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Basic Course in Pragmatics


Author: Dr. Hilma Safitri, M.Hum

ISBN: 978-623-8210-62-6

Editor: Abdul Aziz

Design Cover: Muhammad Khutub

Layout: Muhammad Arifin

Cetakan pertama, November 2023

vi-104, 15,5×23 cm

Lembaga Kajian Dialektika
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Welcome to “Basic Course in Pragmatics.” This book is a comprehensive guide designed to introduce readers to basic concepts in pragmatics, an important branch of language study that focuses on the meaning of language in the context of everyday communication. Pragmatics allows us to understand how language is used in everyday practice, why we speak the way we do, and how we interpret messages in conversation.

In this book, we will invite you to explore a variety of fundamental topics in pragmatics, including speech acts, implicatures, Gricean maxims, politeness, and more. We’ll lay out these concepts in an easy-to-understand way and provide practical examples to help you incorporate them into your everyday communications.

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