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ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Brief Sketch on English Evolution


Author: Diyah Iis Andriani
ISBN: 978-623-8210-93-0
Editor: Abdul Aziz
Design Cover: Taufik Adinugraha El Barr
Layout: Muhammad Arifin
Size: vi-101, 15,5×23 cm
Cetakan pertama, Februari 2024
Lembaga Kajian Dialektika
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Website: https://dialektika.or.id/
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Welcome to the exploration of the fascinating journey of the English language in the book titled “English Language: Brief Sketch on English Evolution.” Language, a dynamic and ever-changing entity, reflects the rich tapestry of human history, culture, and communication. This book aims to provide you with a concise yet insightful overview of the evolution of the English language, spanning its origins to the contemporary era.

This book is designed for enthusiasts, students, and curious minds eager to uncover the fascinating story embedded in the English language. Whether you are a language aficionado or a student of linguistic history, “English Language: Brief Sketch on English Evolution” endeavors to provide a captivating and informative journey through the evolution of one of the world’s most widely spoken languages. Enjoy the exploration!!

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