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Lingo Launch: Encouraging Early Vocabulary Development in Preschoolers


Author:Muhammad Ahsan Tampubolon

Editor: Abdul Aziz

Design Cover: Taufik Adinugraha

Layout: Muhammad Awal

ISBN: 978-623-8210-86-2

Vi-109, 15,5×23 cm

Cetakan pertama, Januari 2024


Lembaga Kajian Dialektika

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Website: www.dialektika.or.id/

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“Lingo Launch” is more than a book; it’s a compendium of insights, methodologies, and practical approaches aimed at nurturing language development in the youngest minds. It stands as a resource, offering guidance, inspiration, and actionable steps for anyone vested in the early linguistic development of our future generation. As you embark on this journey through “Lingo Launch,” may you find within these pages a wealth of strategies and ideas that invigorate and empower you in your noble endeavor to encourage and foster early vocabulary development in our preschoolers.

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