Semiotics: A Theoretical Introduction
Author: Laksmy Ady Kusumoriny
ISBN: 978-623-8210-73-2
Editor: Abdul Aziz
Design Cover: Muhammad Khutub
Layout: Muhammad Arifin
Vi-106, 15,5×23 cm
Cetakan pertama, Desember 2023
Lembaga Kajian Dialektika
Anggota IKAPI
Jl. Villa Dago Raya No A257
Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15415
No. Telp. (021) 74774588
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In the dynamic landscape of human communication, the study of signs, symbols, and their intricate systems serves as a profound lens through which we perceive and decode the world. This book, “Semiotics: A Theoretical Introduction,” endeavors to unravel the complexities of this field, offering a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental concepts, theories, and diverse approaches that constitute the realm of semiotics.
It is my hope that “Semiotics: A Theoretical Introduction” serves as an invaluable resource, sparking curiosity, fostering dialogue, and paving the way for a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of signs that permeate our existence.