Sociolinguistics: Introducing Basic Concept
Author: Rossy Halimatun Rosyidah
Editor: Abdul Aziz
Design Cover: Muhammad Khutub
Layout: Muhammad Arifin
ISBN: 978-623-8210-82-4
Vi+102, 15,5×23 cm
Cetakan pertama, Januari 2024
Lembaga Kajian Dialektika
Anggota IKAPI
Jl. Villa Dago Raya No A257
Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15415
No. Telp. (021) 74774588
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Language is a living entity, shaped not only by grammar rules and syntax but also by the diverse social contexts in which it is used. Sociolinguistics, the study of language within its social and cultural settings, delves into this intricate relationship between language and society.
This book aims to be a comprehensive guide to the multifaceted field of sociolinguistics. It navigates through various chapters, each meticulously designed to unravel distinct aspects and foundational concepts within this discipline