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Linguistics: Basics in Theoretical Concept


Author: Tito Dimas Atmawijaya

ISBN: 978-623-8210-74-9

Editor: Abdul Aziz

Design Cover: Muhammad Khutub

Layout: Muhammad Arifin


Vi-120, 15,5×23 cm

Cetakan pertama, November 2023


Lembaga Kajian Dialektika

Anggota IKAPI

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Website: https://dialektika.or.id/

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Welcome to “Linguistics: Basics in Theoretical Concept,” a comprehensive exploration of the foundational aspects of linguistic theory. This book serves as an introductory guide, delving into the rich tapestry of linguistic ideas that have shaped the understanding of language throughout history. In our pursuit of understanding language, we embark on a journey that traverses the historical landscape of linguistic ideas. From ancient civilizations’ early contemplations to modern theories, we unveil the evolution and development of linguistic concepts. Exploring the historical roots of linguistic thought provides us with invaluable insights into the diverse perspectives that have contributed to the contemporary study of language.

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